Saturday, May 22, 2010

UCSF Medical Center | Neuropathy Center

UCSF Medical Center Neuropathy Center: "Neuropathy Center
The UCSF Neuropathy Center coordinates education, support and outreach programs for patients suffering from peripheral neuropathy, a disease caused by damage to the peripheral nerves. These nerves provide a communications network between the brain and other parts of the body, including muscles, skin, internal organs and blood vessels. Symptoms of peripheral neuropathy include weakness, numbness and pain as well as burning, pricking or tingling sensations.
Dr. Jeffrey Ralph, a neurologist specializing in neuromuscular disorders, is director of the center, and Amy Mahoney is the nurse coordinator.
The center is one of four centers nationwide funded by the Neuropathy Association, a nonprofit charitable organization. The Neuropathy Association was founded in 1995 to support research into the causes and treatment of neuropathies, increase public awareness of neuropathy and educate health care providers. For more information about the center, contact the Neuropathy Center at:
UCSF Neuropathy Center
400 Parnassus Ave., Eighth Floor
San Francisco, CA
Phone (415) 353-2312"

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