Saturday, August 2, 2008

Remission's and Relapse's Like a yo-yo

One of my neuropathies (there are hundreds of different neuropathies) is called CIDP
(Chronic Imflammatory Demyelinative Polyradiculoneuropathy). I under go IVIg infusions every 14 days. I will talk more about CIDP later. It presents it's self like a yo-yo. I have ok days and without warning I plunge back down with severe fatique (weakness) and severe pain. The pain feels like my feet, legs, and hands are on fire. I also get stabbing pains like an electric probe sticking me. I also experience terrible memory loss. I don't remember what I did yesterday much less last week. We had a 5.4 magnitude earthquake last week the 29th. I found out today by just having a casual conversation with my Mom and it just came up by her and I have no memory of anything! I really dislike not being able to remember things. It's scary.

I still lean on my faith. If it were not for my belief in Jesus Christ I would have given up already. I'm starting to really hurt sitting here. I usually stay in bed when I hurt like this but I also get "sick" and tired laying in bed. Oh well, hopefully tomorrow I will feel better. God Bless everyone,


Anonymous said...


Joanie said...

Hey David, I just read your comment on Kristen's page and wanted you to know that I also have CIDP. I just was diagnosed with it in April. I have not had the unfortunate circumstance of all the pain you are going through, but I DO understand the tiredness of laying in bed. I am so glad to hear that you love Jesus. I also do not know what I would do without him in this time. It certainly can be scary to be out of control and it is nice to know we have someone bigger than ourselves who can give us peace when we are without.
Feel free to check out my blog at
From one cidp friend to another