Monday, August 3, 2009

Advocacy groups push for passage of Medicare Patient IVIg Access Act of 2009

Get Involved!

Anyone can be an advocate—it is easy and important. IVIG is so important to so many people, but most members of Congress do not realize how many people rely on IVIG for their health. You can change that. You can tell them how much IVIG means to your health or to your loved one’s health.

A bill has been introduced in the House of Representatives and also in the Senate to help solve the problems many Medicare beneficiaries have getting IVIG where it is best for them: the physician’s office, the home or the hospital outpatient infusion center. These bills will not become law unless Congress hears from people like you all across the country. (Note: Congress often writes laws like this for Medicare beneficiaries because the federal government pays for Medicare. However, private insurance companies often follow Medicare policy, so these bills, if passed, can help the entire IVIG community.)

It takes just a few minutes to take action. First, click on the link below to find the three members of Congress who serve you: your one representative in the House and your two Senators. Then, after reviewing the material about the bills written to solve the problems for Medicare patients on IVIG, send an email to your members of Congress.

Thank you for your efforts!

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