Friday, October 17, 2008

Politics and Neuropathy-President and our Health issues for our Future !

I know this is a blog about Neuropathy, health, pain, insurance, IVIg, CIDP, God, Life, The future, co-pays, government, etc.

This is a very important Presidential election year. Probably more important then any election since I've been alive (January 1960).

The next president will either change the way we receive treatment or make it better or worse. The next president could very well nominate 1 or even 2 Judges to the U.S. Supreme Court.

Joe the plumber from Toledo, Ohio has brought back some good memories for me. This could very well be "David the plumber" from Toledo, Ohio. Yes I once lived in Toledo from 1997-2005 and I worked for a local plumber named "Phil Schuster plumbing". Phil is a 2nd generation plumber. His Dad started the plumbing business early in the 20th century and Phil followed his foot steps. Phil is a licensed plumber in Toledo and Lucas County, Ohio. When I worked for Phil I was not required to have my own license as long as the owner was licensed. All my work was approved by my "licensed boss Phil Schuster" and then verified by the local plumbing inspector in the city of Toledo and county of Lucas, Ohio. Phil's business was a very prosperous one and very well could have exceeted $250,000 in income
a year easily. Plumber's as well as electricians make very good money.

Obama's people and the left wing news needs to do there homework and admit the truth. It amazes me to how these people think the American people are that stupid. Even plumbers are smarter than that !

So, in this time of changing politics and a new generation of young people it is my Hope that everyone does there due dilegents. If only all Americans could look back at the 1980's when a great man named Ronald Reagan led this country and was a wonderful example of how a
President should believe and act this country would not be where it is now and not going where it will go if Obama is the next president. I promise everyone who is reading this blog, if Obama gets into the White House this country will go to hell in a hand basket. Mark my words. If you think things are bad now you just wait ! The morals and values of our time is leading this great country down the sink with all the dirty water. Our future is at stake and the future of the new generation of young people. This country was founded on God and the trust of this country is printed on our currency, "In God We Trust" !

If we go back to the time when this nation trusted in God we would be a great country once again !

If Obama is elected the 44th President of the United States, socialism will quickly become the core of this land and evil will not be far behind. The history of John Adams, His Son John Quincy Adams and the 3rd President of the United States Thomas Jefferson are Presidents Americans should study. Not to mention George Washington and of course President Ronald Reagan.

Character could be the one word to sum it all up for us all. To quote a great book title, "When Character was King" does sum it all up. That book was all about a man who very well could have been a King. President Ronald Reagan was one of the top five Presidents who upheld the values of America and changed our great land for-ever and for the good of all mankind. May God bless Him and His family. Go ahead, read the book, it will change your life and how you view the world.

Trust in God and may God bless everyone,

David Hines

Putting Hope in Motion and trusting in God !

I Hope and Pray you take some time out to view the you tube videos on my blog. Keep an open mind and remember that democrats and republicans both want a better country to live in.

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