Saturday, December 6, 2008

God is always good !

I am always thankfull for what God does in my life. I heard there was a yard sell just down the road a spell and I drove over and the lady who was having the sell was once in the health field and knew about Peripheral Neuropathy!

She even knew some about CIDP, (Chronic Imflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy).

It is very, very rare that I find people (and even doctors) who have never heard of PN much less know something about the disease. I was so excited about that. We talked for about 15 minutes about various things in regards to PN. We even had a brief talk about stem cell research and how it may cure or at least help so many different types of diseases and especially neurological diseases and disorders. It was such a pleasant brief time of conversation. I truly enjoyed it.

As they say, "It made my day". Thanks to God who continuse to put people in my path who give me HOPE and Inspiration!!!

God bless,

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