Saturday, December 26, 2009
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
With Great Mercy
I received IVIg infusions for over two years for nothing. All a complete waste of time and a very large amount of my money and insurance money.
My diagnosis is Diabetic polyneuropathy, Painful Neuropathy, Disturbance of the skin sensation, Diabetes.
I will be writing more about this in future post.
In Gods True unconditional love,
Monday, December 14, 2009
Loma Linda neurology
Jeremiah 29:11
Ecl. 3:1
Gal. 2:20
In Gods love,
Monday, November 30, 2009
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Lumbar Puncture
I had a lumbar puncture yesterday at Desert Regional Hospital. Now I wait to see my neurologist at Loma Linda Medical Center on December 15th and go over all the results.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Test at Loma Linda Univ Med Center
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Remembering Dad (July 2009 De)
Dad passed away this morning and he is missed so much already! He will always be my "best man" and "best friend".
I Love You Dad!
Monday, October 19, 2009
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Loma Linda neurology
God's blessings,
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
New Neuro today!
Stay tuned!
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
We the People
Please reply with you suggestions and or comments!
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Blog and Website update
My personal twitter is www.twitter/cimfree
and my facebook is
Sept neuropathy support group
We have some material to hand out. I Hope you can make it
to the meeting! Help us to keep Hope in motion.
2nd Opinion for a new neurologist
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Meeting with Congresswoman Mary Bono Mack's staff
Monday, August 31, 2009
Praise Him in this storm
by Casting Crowns
I was sure by nowThat You would have reached downAnd wiped our tears awayStepped in and saved the dayBut once again, I say "Amen", and it's still rainingAs the thunder rollsI barely hear Your whisper through the rain"I'm with you"And as You mercy fallsI raise my hands and praise the God who givesAnd takes awayI'll praise You in this stormAnd I will life my handsFor You are who You areNo matter where I amEvery tear I've criedYou hold in Your handYou never left my sideAnd though my heart is tornI will praise You in this stormI remember whenI stumbled in the windYou heard my cryYou raised me up againMy strength is almost goneHow can I carry onIf I can't find YouAs the thunder rollsI barely hear You whisper through the rain"I'm with you"And as Your mercy fallsI raise my hands and praise the God who givesAnd takes awayI lift my eyes unto the hillsWhere does my help come from?My help comes from the LordThe Maker of Heaven and Earth
Praise Him through this storm
wonderful networking sites for neuropathy and other reasons. I have met so many people on both who have one or another different types of neuropathies. As I type this I'm listening to a band called Casting Crowns a gospel group who have songs with great words that can be applied to different areas of my life. I will be 50 in January and my life now is wrapped around my advocating for myself and others and it is what gets me through each day not to mention my spiritual side and my Mom and Dad who are my rock. I been through many storms in my life and this is one of those storms that are big enough if I don't trust in someone or something this storm would wipe me off the map. In has tested me in so many ways and it always brings me back to God! It's a God thing! And I praise Him through this storm as the song goes. God bless everyone including the ones who do not believe in a higher power.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
IVIg for CIDP in Sacramento, California June '09
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Desert Oasis Medical group update
Dr. Young is his name and there are some members in our support group who go to him and they said they like him so that is good news and like always I will keep
you all updated.
Thank you,
David Hines
Neuropathy Patient Advocate
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Ask the Doctor about Autonomic Neuropathy
Because autonomic nerves help control virtually every organ in the body, the symptoms of autonomic neuropathy can be highly varied and widespread. Common complaints include dry eyes and mouth, reduced or excessive sweating, bloating, nausea, or episodes of diarrhea. Autonomic functions decline to some degree with normal aging.
Autonomic neuropathy can worsen, improve, or continue unchanged depending on the severity and progression of the underlying cause. The most common cause is diabetes. Severe cases of autonomic neuropathy can result from autoimmune or bone marrow disorders, certain toxins and medications, and rare genetic conditions. In some cases, no cause can be identified.
Some degree of autonomic neuropathy occurs in the majority of neuropathy cases.
Patients with neuropathy affecting their sensory nerves typically have more severe foot and lower leg involvement; the condition is often aggravated by additional autonomic impairment in affected ares-for example, coldness, loss of sweating and hair, and susceptibility to foot ulcers.
Louis H. Weimer, M.D., is co-director of Columbia Neuropathy Research Center and associate clinical professor of neurology at Columbia University in New York, NY
Medical Groups Suck!
infusion this Saturday but it is not going to happen because these idiots have
told me I have to go to THERE RHEUMATOLOGIST! What does a rheumatologist
got to do with neurological disorders? Would some one please tell me?
I don't know what else to say? Please can some one tell me what the heck is going on? Am I missing something?
Monday, August 3, 2009
Advocacy groups push for passage of Medicare Patient IVIg Access Act of 2009
Anyone can be an advocate—it is easy and important. IVIG is so important to so many people, but most members of Congress do not realize how many people rely on IVIG for their health. You can change that. You can tell them how much IVIG means to your health or to your loved one’s health.
A bill has been introduced in the House of Representatives and also in the Senate to help solve the problems many Medicare beneficiaries have getting IVIG where it is best for them: the physician’s office, the home or the hospital outpatient infusion center. These bills will not become law unless Congress hears from people like you all across the country. (Note: Congress often writes laws like this for Medicare beneficiaries because the federal government pays for Medicare. However, private insurance companies often follow Medicare policy, so these bills, if passed, can help the entire IVIG community.)
It takes just a few minutes to take action. First, click on the link below to find the three members of Congress who serve you: your one representative in the House and your two Senators. Then, after reviewing the material about the bills written to solve the problems for Medicare patients on IVIG, send an email to your members of Congress.
Thank you for your efforts!
A support group is a valuable asset in learning about your peripheral neuropathy (PN). We have well over 100 established groups across the U.S. that provide you with monthly meetings where you can meet and speak with others with PN, hear medical professionals discuss various aspects of PN, find knowledgeable doctors in the area, and ask questions that you might be unable to ask of people who do not have PN. The support group gives you an opportunity to participate on committees that help the group function. The support group is an excellent opportunity for the person who becomes the group’s leader to inform group members of the best way to get a good diagnosis by suggesting people write their medical history.
If there is no support group in your area you might think of becoming a support group leader. We are very supportive of new support group leaders, and we provide a full packet of information on setting up the group. Many groups have neurologists who will speak to the group and help the group find a local hospital which will offer a room for the meeting. Once a group has established a location in a local hospital, there are other hospital personnel who you might find to speak to the group, such as pain specialists, physical therapists and occupational therapists.
Groups usually meet for two hours once a month. Part of the time is used for support group business, part for a speaker with a Q & A session, and then the remainder for breaking into small groups to discuss problems of interest to the members. For example, a subgroup to discuss pain, a subgroup with motor problems, or a subgroup of people who want more information.
The Neuropathy Association’s Support Group Coordinator is Paul Guidos. For more information on starting or running a support group, Paul can be reached at 212-692-0664 or at
For general support group information, contact the Association at 212-692-0662.
And, as always, be sure to visit The Neuropathy Association’s website,
Since neuropathy is often a difficult disease to diagnose, it is wise to become an informed patient, gathering up as much information as possible and becoming knowledgeable about your symptoms. There are approximately 100 different types of peripheral neuropathy, and unfortunately not every neurologist is familiar with the disease, treatments and services available. Prepare yourself by reading, learning the vocabulary, accurately describing your symptoms and providing a full medical history to the neurologist. Other health providers who deal with aspects of neuropathy include pain specialists, physical and occupational therapist and podiatrists. Taking a proactive approach to your illness will help you engage more effectively with them in their efforts to treat your specific neuropathy.
Becoming Informed
Join The Neuropathy Association at 1-880-247-6968, You can get information on neurologists and support groups in your area.
Read The Neuropathy Association’s booklets Explaining Peripheral Neuropathy, Exercising with Neuropathy, and A Guide to the Peripheral Neuropathies.
Read Numb Toes and Aching Soles and Numb Toes and Other Woes both by John Senneff and available from the Association or your public library.
Check the Internet for articles: go to a search engine (like, and type “neuropathy” in the search box
Do Your Homework as a Patient
Prepare your medical history, recording all illnesses, accidents and surgeries since childhood. Make a list of current medications and dosages to share with physician.
Bring along prior EMGs (Electromyogram), NCVs (Nerve Conduction Velocity), skin or nerve biopsies, blood tests, and any other tests from a previous neurologist.
Write down the important questions you want to ask the doctor. Bring along a family member or friend to listen to the doctor, and to record answers to your questions. They can also help you make sure you covered everything on that list.
Always get copies of previous evaluations or summaries, and tests you have taken so you will have a complete medical history if you change doctors.
When medications are prescribed, check on the Internet for drug interactions and drug side effects by again using a search engine like to look up your medications. Also consult with your pharmacist and read through any inserts provided with your medications.
If you are not satisfied, you can get another opinion from a different neurologist.
Ask your physician or the Association about clinical trials where new medications are tested.
Join, or start a support group where you can exchange information with others.
Remember, you are not alone in this! There are plenty of resources out there to help you, and they will ultimately better serve you if you help yourself!
Peripheral neuropathy is a disorder of the peripheral nerves—the motor, sensory and autonomic nerves that connect the spinal cord to muscles, skin and internal organs. It usually affects the hands and feet, causing weakness, numbness, tingling and pain. Peripheral neuropathy’s course is variable; it can come and go, slowly progressing over many years, or it can become severe and debilitating. However, if diagnosed early, peripheral neuropathy can often be controlled.
Why Have We Heard So Little About Peripheral Neuropathy? Is It A New Disease?
Peripheral neuropathy is common. It is estimated that upwards of 20 million Americans suffer from this illness. It can occur at any age, but is more common among older adults. A l999 survey found that 8-9% of Medicare recipients have peripheral neuropathy as their primary or secondary diagnosis. The annual cost to Medicare exceeds $3.5 billion.
Peripheral neuropathy has always been present, but has not received much attention. Its extent and importance have not yet been adequately recognized. It is apt to be misdiagnosed, or thought to be merely a side effect of another disease like diabetes or cancer or kidney failure. The development of new therapies has unfortunately been slow and under funded.
What Causes Peripheral Neuropathy?
There are many causes of neuropathy. Approximately 30% of neuropathies are “idiopathic,” or of an unknown cause. In another 30% of cases, the cause is diabetes. Other neuropathy causes include autoimmune disorders, tumors, heredity, nutritional imbalances, infections or toxins.
Can Peripheral Neuropathy Be Cured?
Some types of peripheral neuropathy can be cured, however, most cannot. However, many can be helped. Therapy is directed at treating the underlying disease and at improving the symptoms with the right medications. An experienced neurologist can help patients feel more comfortable, and their quality of life can be greatly improved. But it is extremely important to get to an experienced neurologist as soon as you notice the symptoms before the disease has a chance to cause too much permanent damage
Peripheral Neuropathy Awareness & Attention
The National Institutes of Health spent $35 million in 2004 and $29 million in 2005 on peripheral neuropathy research. NIH funding for neuropathy research lags far behind its investment in other neurological disorders. For other disorders with a similar range of disability (multiple sclerosis and epilepsy), the NIH expenditure per patient ratio is approximately 200 times greater than it is for neuropathy.
Too often, patients are told there is nothing that can be done for them, they will just have to live with it. Some patients are even told it is all in their heads, that they are imagining it. People who are suffering with the disorder often feel they have nowhere to turn. They feel isolated and alone. Even their families do not understand what they are going through and start to doubt them. The Neuropathy Association is working hard to change these perceptions through its awareness-building and outreach activities.
Public awareness of this illness is unfortunately low. A 1999 awareness survey reported that only 7% of all adults in the U.S. know about neuropathy. And, yet, it is estimated that up to 20 million Americans, whether they know it or not, currently have some type of neuropathy.
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Heritage Foundation (Heritage) on Twitter
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Palm Springs Neuropathy Support Group Update
We had a great meeting with 6 more new members.
We always seem to have new folks show up because we saturate the area with fliers to doctors, hospitals, and a great ad in the Desert Sun newspaper.
We are having our first burst of summer hot temps. Today (July 15th, 2009) it is
going to be 114 degrees with tomorrow the same. Then on Friday July 17th there
saying it could reach 119 degrees! I just heard the radio say the low last night was a balmy 88 degrees reached just before day break this morning.
Ok...I am getting back to work. More emails to send out with as much work as I can get in today. Tomorrow I have another dentist appointment and a meeting
at Eisenhower hospital for a teleconference on Understanding Peripheral Neuropathy caused by Chemo Therapy for cancer patients.
Please leave a comment or email me with comments, suggestions and/or questions.
Scroll down and send me a tweet or facebook message!
God bless,
David Hines
Your patient advocate
P.S. I almost forgot. We have a new support group co-leader!
Her name is Donna and she can be reached at:
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Sunday, June 14, 2009
New poll confirms Neuropathy hits millions in there prime
New York, May 13, 2009—A new national Neuropathy Association poll of peripheral neuropathy patients finds that the majority of respondents had their neurological disease begin during their prime adult years, with 82% experiencing neuropathy’s onset between the ages of 30-69. “Peripheral neuropathy does not discriminate: it affects all ages, all types of people,” observes Tina Tockarshewsky, president and CEO of The Neuropathy Association. “However, our survey shows neuropathy strikes most patients in the prime of their lives, when they are building their families, careers, and futures.”“With the potential for millions of active adults to suffer from progressive chronic pain and possible disability, we are leaving the U.S. unprepared to face a major public health crisis if healthcare providers, the media and public policy officials continue to ignore the inadequacy of medical resources and research funding for neuropathy. Neuropathy is taking an immeasurable toll on Americans’ quality of life and generating extreme social and medical cost burdens,” adds Tockarshewsky.For nearly 15 years, The Neuropathy Association has been an active national patient advocacy organization working to change misconceptions about this progressive, chronic neurological disease. May 11-15 marks the fifth annual National Neuropathy Week, an event launched by The Neuropathy Association to raise awareness about neuropathy and its warning signs. Peripheral neuropathy, or “nerve damage,” impacts over 20 million Americans, making it one of the most common chronic diseases in the U.S. Neuropathy results from injury to the peripheral nerves, disrupting the body’s ability to communicate with its muscles, organs and tissues. Most Americans do not recognize neuropathy’s symptoms, which include weakness, numbness, tingling and pain, especially in the hands and feet. If experiencing these symptoms, patients need to consult with a neurologist. With early diagnosis, neuropathy can often be controlled and some types can be cured. If ignored, symptoms can intensify to loss of sensation, unremitting pain, or disability. Too often neuropathy is discovered only after causing irreversible nerve damage.The Neuropathy Association’s national survey of 1,300 patients asked about the age when their neuropathy began, revealing:- 3 percent had their illness start in their 20s;- 27 percent had their illness start in their 30s-40s;- 55 percent had their illness start in their 50s-60s; and- 15 percent had their illness start in their 70s-80s.This survey was complemented by a second national survey which asked 1,000 patients to identify their specific type of neuropathy. While there are over 100 known types of peripheral neuropathy, 52% of the patients responded their neuropathy was “idiopathic,” meaning of no known cause. Other types noted were:- 15 percent had diabetic neuropathy;- 12 percent had an autoimmune-related neuropathy;- 6 percent had a hereditary neuropathy;- 4 percent had a chemotherapy-related neuropathy;- 4 percent had a trauma-induced neuropathy; and- 7 percent had a neuropathy related to other sources such as toxin-induced, nutritional deficiencies, gastro-intestinal disorders, metabolic diseases, or infectious diseases such as HIV or Lyme.“Neuropathy is often misrepresented as only being diabetes-related. However, this survey demonstrates that for every diabetic neuropathy patient, there are at least six more patients suffering with various neuropathies, including some for which there is no known cause and, consequently, no known treatment. Right now, we see great hope in our research community: we are on the verge of real progress in many areas. However, neither funding nor public attention is being directed towards getting these researchers across the finish line,” notes Dr. Thomas H. Brannagan, III, medical advisor for The Neuropathy Association.“The neuropathy patient community has only three FDA-approved treatments for three types of neuropathy, faces increasing Medicare reimbursement restrictions, and receives inadequate levels of federal research funding. With millions suffering, this is an unacceptable public health state of affairs,” Tockarshewsky emphasizes. “Supporting neuropathy research would bring better treatment options and cures to millions of neuropathy patients. Doing so would also help a range of other patients, including those with multiple sclerosis, muscular dystrophy and cancer. Americans must demand cures for neuropathy.”About The Neuropathy AssociationThe Neuropathy Association is the leading national nonprofit organization providing neuropathy patient support and education, advocating for patient’s interests, and promoting research into the causes of and cures for peripheral neuropathies. The Association currently has twelve neuropathy medical Centers of Excellence at major university hospitals across the country in order to serve patients with neuropathy, provide treatment and conduct research, including: - Banner Good Samaritan Medical Center (Phoenix, AZ)- University of California at San Francisco - Good Samaritan Hospital (Los Angeles, CA)- University of Miami Miller School of Medicine (Miami, FL)- University of Florida and Shands Jacksonville - University of Michigan (Ann Arbor, MI)- Saint Louis University (St. Louis, MO)- Columbia University Medical Center (New York, NY)- Weill Cornell Medical College of Cornell University (New York, NY)- Ohio State University (Columbus, OH)- University of Kansas (Kansas City, KS)- University of Utah (Salt Lake City, UT)The organization works to connect patients with one another through its active network of members, regional chapters, medical Centers of Excellence and 135 patient support groups. For more information, please visit
This interest All interests Search:
The H1N1 Flu: What You Need To Know About Itmore ...
Chronic Auto-Immune Disease CIDP Diagnosis
How A Chronic Auto-Immune Disease Is Diagnosed
Jun 10th, 2009
New research from Jefferson Hospital for Neuroscience (JHN) may redefine how Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy (CIDP) is diagnosed. Eduardo De Sousa, M.D., assistant professor of Neurology at Jefferson Medical College of Thomas Jefferson University, and director of the Electrodiagnostic Neuromuscular Lab at JHN, led the study which looked at the number of demyelinating features that are needed to differentiate between CIDP, Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS, or Lou Gehrig's disease) and diabetic neuropathy.
His research suggests a minimum number of three demyelinating features can be used to positively identify CIDP in a patient. CIDP is a neurological disorder characterized by progressive weakness and impaired sensory function in the legs and arms. It affects about 50,000 people in the United States. The study, available in the current edition of the Journal of Clinical Neuromuscular Disease, may help doctors more effectively diagnose and treat CIDP.
Currently, to make a diagnosis of CIDP, patients undergo nerve conduction studies to determine the number and severity of abnormalities on electrodiagnostic tests. Patients with a specific pattern and number of abnormalities, also know as demyelinating findings, during these studies are determined to have CIDP.
The study involved 26 CIDP patients and a control group of 21 patients, nine ALS patients and 12 diabetic neuropathy patients. The researchers judged the number of demyelinating findings in the CIDP patients that responded to the treatment. They then analyzed the number of features to make the screenings more sensitive. Their findings suggest that with three demyelinating features significantly increased the specificity of the diagnosis of CIDP, but in exchange, the sensitivity was reduced; two features produced a less specific pattern making it difficult to distinguish between CIDP, ALS or diabetic neuropathy, but increased the sensitivity of the test allowing to diagnose patients earlier on the course of their disease; and one feature was determined to have low specificity for the diagnosis of CIDP.
“This is a clinically significant finding that may help doctors screen potential CIDP patients,” said Dr. De Sousa.” In determining the number of demyelinating findings needed to define CIDP, doctors may be able to make a diagnosis sooner allowing for a targeted treatment to begin quicker, preventing further disability.”
CIDP can occur at any age, but is most common in the elderly and in men. It often presents with symptoms that include tingling or numbness (beginning in the toes and fingers), weakness of the arms and legs, loss of deep tendon reflexes, fatigue, and abnormal sensations. CIDP is closely related to Guillain-Barre syndrome, but instead of having rapid onset, CIDP has a more protracted chronic course.
Treatment for CIDP includes corticosteroids such as prednisone, plasmapheresis (plasma exchange) and intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIg). IVIg may be used even as a first-line therapy. Immunosuppressant drug therapy may be effective in patients who fail standard therapy. Physiotherapy may improve muscle strength, balance, function and mobility, and minimize the shrinkage of muscles and tendons and distortions of the joints.
Source: Thomas Jefferson University Hospital
Article approved by David Hines
Patient/Advocate for Neuropathy
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Monday, June 8, 2009
Neuropathy advocacy includes political advocacy
not going to sit around and take it anymore. Get involved! Lets shake it up!
Meg Whitman for Governor 2010!

Life is a chore after a chore!
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
GBS/CIDP Article from Cooma Victoria Australia!
A deceptive disorder
26/05/2009 12:34:00 PM
June 1 marks Guillain-Bare Syndrome (GPS) and Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Peripheral Neuropathy (CIPD) Awareness Day.
The purpose of the day is to educate the public and health care professionals to the plight of patients with these disorders.
GBS is a rare paralysing and potentially catastrophic disorder of the peripheral nerves. Many patients with GBS find themselves in an intensive care unit unable to walk or talk and although most recover many are left with residual physical deficits.
GBS comes on quickly and can fully paralyse a person and some may become totally dependant on life support for their breathing. GBS attacks the myelin coating of the nerves and so sufferers become so paralysed they are unable to blink.
People can be struck down with GBS from six months to 98 years of age and is just as common in males as it is in females. GBS can affect anyone regardless of nationality or race.
CIDP is a similar but chronic form of GBS that slowly destroys the nerves.
The nerves are healed by receiving injections of intragram that is an extract a bi-product of blood and plasma.
Long time sufferer of CIDP Cooma local Gayle Harding said it is a very scary time for people who have the disease.
“It is a frustrating disease to have because you look normal but you have no strength in your arms and your legs don’t work,” she said.
She said to watch out for the warning signs and in some respects it is like having chronic fatigue syndrome.
“You have weakness in your hands and feet and pins and needles so doing things like picking up paper, sewing, cross stitch and playing tennis become almost impossible,” she said.
Ms Harding said one of the worst parts about CIDP is that it can re-occur.
“I have had one bad relapse during the nine years of having the disorder which made me housebound and unable to drive,” she said.
The key to preventing GPS and CIDP is early detection. There are support groups within Australia from all states and territories including Cooma. For more information call the inflammatory neuropathy support group of Victoria on 97073278 or 9802 5313.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Casting Crowns A wonderful Video and Song
It is because my God is in control of everything. I love Him so!
I hope you enjoy it as much as I do! Please continue to scroll down and watch the other video's I have posted today! In Spite of my health problems I still love life and I still love Christ!
Neuropathy Action Foundation Awareness Day!
You can get all the info at:
It is being held in Sacramento and folks are coming from all parts of the country!
Everyone is welcome!
I HOPE to seeing you there!
Best regards,
David Hines
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
At this very moment, there are millions of Americans suffering from the effects of peripheral neuropathy. It may be you, a loved one, a friend or a neighbor. We are all affected by neuropathy.
Now is the time to finally give a strong united voice for the neuropathy community. Now is the time to demand that neuropathy be recognized and known across the country. Now is the time to demand action to ensure better diagnosis and treatment. In our own lives, we all can help.
The Neuropathy Association, the leading national non-profit organization representing the neuropathy community, will be launching the Stamp Out Neuropathy Campaign this April and we need your support. We want to raise an additional $150,000 during April and May to help the Association expand its educational outreach and scientific research efforts.
It’s EASY to Help:
If you haven’t already done so, we ask that you join us and become a member through the Stamp Out Neuropathy Campaign:
Make your contribution to the Stamp Out Neuropathy Campaign
Recruit others to support our efforts to help the neuropathy community. It is a chance for you to tell them how important the cause is to defeat this disease:
Email your friends and loved ones to help Stamp Out Neuropathy
Thousands of those affected by neuropathy across the country including The Neuropathy Association’s staff team and volunteer board of directors will be writing to their friends, family, and colleagues to ask them to join the Stamp Out Neuropathy Campaign.
Your participation is vital! With more support, especially during these tough economic times, we will be able to fund more neuropathy-specific scientific research that could one day lead to a cure and halt the progression of the disease.
To learn more, contact Doug Olson at The Neuropathy Association at,60 East 42nd Street, New York, NY 10165 or (212) 692-9442.
The Christopher and Dana Reeve Paralysis Act
HR 2002 The Medicare patient IVIg access act of 2009
Sponsored by Reps. Israel, Brady and Schwartz, this bill is similar to legislation introduced by Sens. Kerry and Alexander in March of this year. Passage of this legislation would benefit Americans nationwide for whom IVIG is a necessary therapy to help them live with their primary immunodeficiency disease, neurological, autoimmune or other rare chronic conditions and illnesses.
"For those suffering with immune-deficiency disorders, IVIG is a life-saving and life-sustaining treatment. But because of inadequate Medicare coverage, patients are suffering," said Rep. Steve Israel. "We must fix the insufficient coverage Medicare provides for IVIG treatment, which is why I'm sponsoring legislation to help get these patients the care they need."
"Access for those who rely on IVIG therapy to sustain a normal life is an issue that must be addressed, and we are doing so by introducing this bill," said Rep. Kevin Brady. "Through my work with patients and families living with conditions that rely on IVIG, the access issue has become very close to me personally and a cookie-cutter approach like Medicare can be dangerous to this unique treatment."
The Neuropathy Association along with eighteen patient advocacy groups and health care professional organizations, including the Immune Deficiency Foundation and the Alliance for Plasma Therapies, already have endorsed the bill via a joint letter of support, and IVIG patients and caretakers echoed that support while sharing their personal struggles in trying to access IVIG therapy during a briefing for stakeholders today. Special guests and patient advocates included Lt. Col. Eugene B. Richardson, ret., a Neuropathy Association support group leader and chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP) patient; Terri Cerda, who, together with her two young daughters, battles combined immunodeficiency disease and whose family will be featured on the May 10 episode of ABC's "Extreme Makeover: Home Edition," and Nebraska State Senator Abbie Cornett, who has common variable immunodeficiency disease. Other speakers included Jenny Gardner, a patient with common variable immunodeficiency and Craig Orfield, staff of Senator Enzi who has idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura.
“No patient should ever have to fear for their lives or their livelihoods because, suddenly, a life-sustaining treatment is taken away from them,” said Tina Tockarshewsky, president and CEO of The Neuropathy Association. “To have this legislation unanimously endorsed by so many disease groups means the patient community believes we finally have within our grasp a true fix to end of years of suffering. We thank Representatives Israel, Brady and Schwartz for their leadership in addressing this problem, and we urge Congress to resolve this access emergency before even more patients are denied access to their treatments.”
"Since 2005, patient access to IVIG has diminished, and Medicare beneficiaries throughout the country have experienced major health problems because of reimbursement reductions," said Marcia Boyle, founder and president of the Immune Deficiency Foundation. "We are grateful for the support of Representatives Israel, Brady and Schwartz and their sponsorship of this critical legislation that is designed to restore access to this vital therapy, and we are heartened by the overwhelming support from the patient advocacy community."
"Today is an unprecedented day to see so many different disease groups come together as a unified voice to strongly urge Congress to fix the unintended consequence of the Medicare Modernization Act which has caused Medicare beneficiaries to lose access to their lifesaving plasma therapy, IVIG, and has caused detrimental consequences to their health," said Michelle Vogel, executive director of the Alliance for Plasma Therapies. "We applaud Representatives Israel, Brady and Schwartz for championing this issue to restore patient access to this vital therapy in all sites of care."
About the Immune Deficiency Foundation
The Immune Deficiency Foundation is the national patient organization dedicated to improving the diagnosis, treatment and quality of life of persons with primary immunodeficiency diseases through advocacy, education, and research. To learn more about IDF, visit
About the Alliance for Plasma Therapies
The Alliance for Plasma Therapies is a national non-profit organization established to provide a unified, powerful voice of patient organizations, healthcare providers and industry leaders to educate about the diseases that rely on plasma derived therapies and advocate for fair access to plasma therapies for patients who benefit from their lifesaving effects. To learn more about the Alliance, visit
Patient Advocacy Organizations and Professional Societies Supporting the Medicare Patient IVIG Access Act of 2009
Immune Deficiency Foundation, Alliance for Plasma Therapies, American Academy of Asthma, Allergy and Immunology, American Autoimmune Related Diseases Association, American Partnership for Eosinophilic Disorders, A-T Children's Project, Clinical Immunology Society, Foundation for Peripheral Neuropathy, GBS/CIDP Foundation International, Infusion Nurses Society, International Pemphigus and Pemphigoid Foundation, Jeffrey Modell Foundation, The Myositis Association, National Patient Advocate Foundation, The Neuropathy Association, Neuropathy Action Foundation, Patient Services Inc., and Platelet Disorder Support Association.
Friday, April 24, 2009
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Advocacy for Patients with Chronic Illness: Why Susan Boyle?
Advocacy for Patients with Chronic Illness: Why Susan Boyle?
Susan Boyle on Britains Got Talent A Highly Recommended Watch !
The audience were on their feet and cheering by the time 47 year-old Susan Boyle had finished singing.The unassuming, currently unemployed lady from West Lothian near Edinburgh had looked shy and a little out of place as she stepped on stage. (Watch as she becomes a world wide house hold name in less than 7 minutes! And watch as she says, "I've never done the "dirty" or I have never been kissed") That might be about to change. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder! Click the you tube link below and enjoy !
Monday, April 13, 2009
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Medical Marijuana study results for Neuropathic Pain
Medicinal Marijuana Effective For Neuropathic Pain In HIV, Study Finds
ScienceDaily (2008-08-07) -- In a double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial to assess the impact of smoked medical cannabis, or marijuana, on the neuropathic pain associated with HIV, researchers have found that reported pain relief was greater with cannabis than with a placebo. ... > read full article
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Saturday, March 14, 2009
New Symptoms-Not Good!
Then I thought, mmmmmmmm (thinking)mmmmmmm. I have only shared this with my Mother, Father and the doctors and nurses at Desert Regional Hospital on Wednesday March 11th, 2009.
I awoke and instantly said to myself, Ut Oh..that is not good.
My right hand, fingers, wrist, arm and shoulder were tingling, (burning which is normal for me) and limp. I could not grasp and hold my tooth brush (i'm right handed).
I could not raise my arm above my elbow. This was not right at all and I got scared. That is why I didn't go to the hospital until Wednesday, two day later. I did not contact my neurologist yet. He is about 50 miles away.
The hospital did blood work, MRI etc., etc. and nothing. The emeregency doctor said it's neurological but he couldn't put his finger on it and tell me for sure what had happen. I went to my support group yesterday and did not share this new problemo. Stupid for me but I am very uneasy about this and I'm not sure If I can handle more bad news. So, I'm sharing now. I called my neuro tho'yesterday and left a message with the nurse. I will be right on it Monday AM.
Please keep me in your prayers.
God Bless and Thank you for reading and listening to me.
Hi David,Our daughter was dianosed with CIDP three years ago. She is 14 and still has not regained use of her feet. They do not lift. The doctor told us that's pretty much it. She will not walk correctly again. Anyway, she was just asking me if there was any counseling she could get to help her deal with her condition. she said she feels like she just wants to hide in our house and not try anything new because it makes her stressed because she's afraid she won't be able to do it. For example, she has a trip to Washington DC to go on for her eigth grade trip. she's afraid she won't be able to keep up with everyone and take part in the activities. She wants to go to Christian counseling or talk to other people with her condition to maybe get help. Anything you can help us with, we appreciate it. Thanks, Lory
February 17, 2009 6:02 PM
David Hines
Peripheral Neuropathy Support Group News
The current group I attend is the Palm Springs neuropathy association support group. We meet the second Friday of the month at 1:30 to 3:00 PM. I moved to the Palm Springs area last year, a community in southern California that is visited by snow birds from the north and college students during spring break and others around the world for its mild weather and beautiful landscape and views of the mountains that encase the desert. It is also a year round home to many retired people and celebs. It is a heaven to hundreds of non-profits and philanthropies of all kinds.I have been coming to this area all of my life threrfore I know the area very well. After being diagnosed with a variance of peripheral neuropathy (PN) called CIDP (Chronic Imflammatory Demylenating Polyradiculoneuropathy) over two years ago I new I had to spread the word and awareness regarding this rare disease. I live in a highly populated area of the world and there were only 4 support groups within a 200 square mile area. It is my goal to get started as many support groups as possible in my lifetime inorder that no one can go without answers to there questions and others who are alike with the same disorder.
We meet to educate, support, and lend an ear and/or shoulder to listen to and/or to cry on. We can relate to each other and understand what other's are experiencing. We try to answer other's questions and if we cannot we will find the answer. There are reported to be hundereds of different types of neuropathies. We are all so different but at the same time all so much alike.
I am a member of the neuropathy association ( The GBS/CIDP Foundation International serving patients of GBS, CIDP and Variants with support, education and research. (
The next support group meeting in the Palm Springs area is April 10th, 2009 at 10:00 AM at the Mizell Senior Center in Palm Springs. For more information you can contact me at my email address: or you can call me at: (760) 671-5980 anytime.
Once again, Thanks to everyone who attended the meeting and I look forward to learning more about each one of you and hopes of a long friendship.
In closing, I recommend the following books, "Numb Toes and Aching Soles" "Numb Toes and Other Woes" both by John Senneff. "Peripheral Neuropathy When the Numbness, Weakness, and Pain won't stop" by Doctor Norman Latov, M.D., PhD.
In God's Healing Hands,
David Hines
Advocate, Patient and Child of God
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Please Read Kristen's blog at CIDPandMe!
God Bless,
David Hines
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Monday, March 9, 2009
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Thursday, February 26, 2009
(760) 671-5980
God bless everyone!
God's servant,
Thursday, February 19, 2009
I felt I needed to post regarding counseling for those of us who suffer from a chronic illness. There is help available we just need to know where to look. I have spent many hours researching differnt things about our mutual concern. Please leave a comment of suggestion's and please leave a way to contact you. Let us keep HOPE IN MOTION.
God bless,
Attention Everyone !
You must leave me an email address or best yet send me an email to my
personal email address which is:
David Hines
Saturday, February 7, 2009
A great article introducing a bill in Texas for medical Cannabis (Marijuana)
Federal Medical Marijuana Bill Introduced by Rep. Ron Paul
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April 17, 2008 - Washington, DC, USA
Washington, DC: Representative Ron Paul (R-TX) introduced H.R. 5842, the “Medical Marijuana Patient Protection Act,” earlier today. This bill would make federal authorities respect states' current laws on medicinal cannabis and end DEA raids on facilities distributing medical marijuana legally under state law.
Representative Paul, whose presidential campaign prominently featured the ending of the drug war as a platform plank, was joined by Reps. Barney Frank (D-MA), Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA), Maurice Hinchey (D-NY), and Sam Farr (D-CA) in co-sponsoring this bill.
“I think marijuana is a helpful medical treatment for the people who have intractable nausea,” Paul said in a 2004 House debate regarding a similar measure. “I would like to point out this is not something strange that we are suggesting here. For the first 163 years of our history in this country, the federal government had total hands off, they never interfered with what the states were doing.”
Twelve states have approved the use of medical marijuana, beginning with California in 1996 with the passage of Proposition 215. The DEA continues to raid and harass medicinal cannabis dispensaries operating within these states' laws. Presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama have both indicated they would end such raids should they be elected.
Michigan will vote on an initiative to adopt medical cannabis legislation this November. Minnesota and Rhode Island's respective legislatures are also considering pro-reform legislation this year.
For more information, contact NORML Legal Director Keith Stroup at (202) 483-5500. Supporters can write their Representatives in favor of this bill at:
updated: Apr 23, 2008